Saturday 18 June 2016





IMMIGRANTS and how much we need them.


First off on this matter I have to keep in mind that since Britain and Spain discovered America and began to colonise along with then their people fleeing Religoius persecution, Oppression and Poverty and in Irelands case escaping famine in the thousands. This European Migrantion into America and Austrailia of course displaced the native peoples and forced them on to reservations if not having ethnically cleansed many. Then what about the Welsh Migration to Patagonia was that an Economic Migration or Welsh Religious Assylum seekers fleeing English Religious persecution? Was it as intirely innocent and devoid of replacing native Patagonian peoples as the Welsh like to speak of in an history of their Patagonian Settlement  about same time as the Argentianian ‘Conquest of the Desert.




We must be mindful of the simlar reasons causing people fleeing the middle East and Africa and it’s the EU and Anglo – American Self Interest causing much of the crisis causing millions of Asylum Seekers and Economic Migrants to make way to Europe in recent years as example high tarrifs on African trade with the EU. The flow of migrants both Economic and Asylum fleeing out of Africa and Middle East and from further afield as caused great anger and much political  contraversy throughout European States and not least in Britain.  Response has been radically loud from the Political Right in Europe as the National Front in France and Freedom Party in Austria. Whilst in Britain a PEGIDA UK and UKIP have been strongly disaproving and an anti – immigrant stance has been to the fore in LEAVE EU Campaigning. Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood and Dafydd Wiggley have exposed as one would expect liberal bleating hearts but selectivelly so for political gain more than common sense.


Dafydd Wiggley whose answer to this problem as far as Wales is concerned is a form of ‘Civic Nationalism’ which agrees with Wales providing sanctury to any number of Immigrants for whom we must build more houses, schools and provide translators for that is of course as long as they are not Engish ‘White Settlers’ into ‘Cymru Cymraeg’ and Gwynedd in particular (see Cris Schoen letter in Y Cymro last week). Dafydd Wiggle has the Nationalist arrogance to label UKIP ‘Racist’ when he and other Plaid Cymru leaders kow all to well just how racist their member can be towards the English who are ‘Migrants’ into Northern Wales in recent times fleeing a growing ‘Caliphate’ in Northern England. A picture is painted of Wales as an Immigrant welcoming Country but this is not an historical truth as in the 19th century the Welsh violently opposed the Irish as well as Jews in Gwent and ‘Colourds’ and Chinese in old Tiger Bay. At a time when the skills and not least labours of these peoples were much needed as most Welsh Workers were fully employed in Coal Mines and in Slate Quarrying and as Farm Labourers. If the truth be known going by names alone the population of Southern Wales in particular are actually Anglo – Welsh whilst in rural West and North most descendants of ‘Y Cymry’ who came with Cunedda down from Scotland following the Romans quiting Britain. A further truth being that both the ‘Welsh’ and ‘Y Cymry’ post 1536 Act of Annexation have become politically ‘West Britons’ and underneath the skin of ‘Cymric Cultural Nationalism’ and ‘Welsh Sports Nationalism’ remain ‘West Britons’.


So what to do re this matter? In first place Cymru/Wales alone should decide it’s own immigration policies not England or the EU. Myself then consider we give priorites to former Commonwealth Peoples and then the Kurds, Yazidi Christians of Syria and Kurds fleeing Turkish oppression. Of course other Syrian People not least Children the aged and infirm be given special consideration but Young Syrian Men and Women are encouraged to stay in camps close to their homelands anfd trained up to be Nurses and Teachers as well as Doctors, Scientists and Construction Workers ready to return home to rebuild their countries once Daesh is evicted and sooner the Better. Now the plaintiff cry that we need these migrants to work in our hospitals and care homes but most of these who  staff such are from the Phillipenes and have been trained back  home to do these jobs so why are we not training our unemployed like wise, mystifying as to why not? East Europen Migrants pick flowers and Crops whilst Portugees do cleaning work not least through out London and young Spanish make good waiters as the French make good Bread and Pastry makers. All in main young people pushed to move into Britain by EU policies making employment slim in their own countries. Historically it is worth remembering that Econmic Migrants have entered Britain since the Middle Ages to work on harvests. The English Conquest of Wales was to ethnically cleanse many parts of our country and provide Living/Working space for English settlers. Whilst the UK give sanctury to the Huguenots who brought with them weaving skills, much later the rise of Hitler in Germany brought fleeing Jewish Refugees to Wales to establish Sewing Industry Businesses in the South in particular.


So, the answer Wales must accept Refugees but on our terms not those of England and the EU. As England could use such Immigrants’ as a final solution to their possibe ‘Welsh Problem’. Other Questions to be commented on in due course.


                                                                              Gethin ap Gruffydd.